TheraLight 360 HD

What Is TheraLight 360 Therapy?

TheraLight 360 is a painless procedure that uses intense light from red LEDs to target specific areas of the skin. Red light therapy is used for: General recovery (improved sleep and mood, increased energy), Treating various diseases (e.g., acne, arthritis), Solving skin problems (e.g., wrinkles, scars), Relieving muscle and joint discomfort (inflammation and post-injury).

Step into the healing light with TheraLight 360 HD

Book your session now to experience the rejuvenating benefits. Illuminate your path to well-being. Radiate, rejuvenate, thrive!

TheraLight 360 Treatment Information

TheraLight 360 is an FDA-approved, state-of-the-art technology that utilizes Red and Near-infrared healing light – also known as Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBM) – from all angles directly and deeper into the cells through the skin, bypassing digestion to destroy free radicals. The therapeutic red light stimulates and boosts new cell growth to repair damaged tissue, making it a supercharging, anti-aging powerhouse for physical and mental health.

What does Khloestika Healing and Wellness use TheraLight therapy for?

TheraLight 360 is proven to improve the overall quality of life. We witness first hand how TheraLight benefits our patients. It helps eliminate pain, makes you smile more often, look better, sleep better, and perform better athletically. Come and visit Khloestika Healing and Wellness to learn more about red light therapy. We will select an individual set of procedures for your particular circumstances.

Benefits Of Theralight 360 HD

  • Improves muscle performance & recovery
  • Supports optimal immune function
  • Reduces pain & inflammation
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Relieves joint pain & stiffness
  • Triggers cell-specific repair processes
  • and much more!

How does TheraLight 360 work?

Red light therapy affects the cells of the body, specifically the mitochondria. Mitochondria are miniature power plants inside the cell. Normally, this process slows down over time. Primarily due to improper lifestyle, aging, and other factors. TheraLight increases the power of energy production within the mitochondria, allowing the cell to produce more ATP.

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a molecule that carries energy to other cells.

The more energy the cells receive, the more efficiently they can function, rejuvenate, and repair damage.

How is TheraLight 360 hd different from lasers and pulsed light?

TheraLight 360 therapy, lasers, and pulsed light are all types of light therapy, but they differ in intensity, wavelength, and how they interact with body tissues. TheraLight uses a low, continuous wavelength of light that has a therapeutic effect on various tissues without causing damage or problems. It penetrates deeper into the skin than other types of light therapy, making it more effective in muscle and bone rehabilitation.

Who can benefit from TheraLight 360 HD?

The following are just a few of the groups of people who may be particularly likely to benefit from red light therapy:

  • Athletes

    The procedure can help reduce inflammation, improve muscle recovery, and relieve muscle soreness after intense exercise.

  • People with skin conditions

    RTL has been shown to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps fight skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne.

  • People with sleep disorders

    RTL normalizes the body’s circadian rhythm and improves the production of melatonin (a hormone that is directly related to sleep quality).

  • Senior citizens

    As people age, their bodies may take longer to recover from injuries and experience increased soreness and inflammation in their muscles/joints. Red light therapy can help alleviate these problems and improve the overall quality of life.

  • People with joint pain (such as arthritis)

    Red light therapy reduces discomfort and improves mobility. Helps with chronic neck and back pain.

  • People with affective disorders

    It improves the overall mood, and symptoms of depression and panic attacks (feelings of anxiety) gradually disappear.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there any side effects

    Photobiomodulation is a safe, relaxing, whole-body therapy with no known adverse side effects that anyone can use to help the body heal itself.

  • Why choose Red Light Therapy?

    Theralight 360 is the only full-body therapy that counteracts toxic Oxidative Stress – an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants – which causes harmful inflammation and cell deterioration, leading to chronic conditions and diseases. The easily absorbed red light triggers a response in your cells’ mitochondria, increasing regeneration and boosting overall wellbeing.

  • How can PBM help to heal my body?

    The whole-body rejuvenating power of PBM (Photobiomodulation Therapy) Effectively helps combat cellular aging, decreases inflammation, boosts energy and enhances weight loss. PBM is a non-medical treatment offering athletes drug-free pain relief, strength, endurance, and recovery. It has also been used as a medical alternative for accelerating visceral fat loss. Whereas many therapies only address the symptoms without addressing the source, PBMT works at the cellular level, stimulating repair and normalizing cellular activity, raising the energy level in the cell and, therefore, the metabolic rate to enhance weight loss.

  • What do I wear during my session?

    To feel the maximum impact of TheraLight Therapy, we recommend exposing as much skin as possible to ensure direct contact with the light, as it does not penetrate through fabric. 

    However, we want you to feel comfortable and enjoy your healing experience, so you can decide how much or little you wear. Any open wounds must be covered with a saran wrap, which Immunity will gladly provide.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    We recommend an average of 2-5 15-minute sessions per week to reap the optimal benefits. However, as every person’s condition is unique, we offer personalized treatments to meet your needs and schedule. Treatments last between 5 and 20 minutes. One of our expert wellness consultants will help you choose the best treatment plan for you.


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The virtual retreats at Khloestika provide a unique and immersive wellness experience. Guided sessions, expert workshops, and a supportive community make it a transformative and accessible journey from the comfort of home.

Sophie G.


Khloestika's Wellness Shop is a treasure trove of curated products supporting holistic living. From mindfulness tools to sustainable essentials, it's a one-stop destination for enhancing well-being in daily life. Highly recommended.

David R.



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If you are looking for health & wellness services in Rancho Cucamonga, CA look no further than Khloestika Healing and Wellness. Schedule your appointment today and experience the difference that Khloestika Healing and Wellness can make! Book your appointment today and experience the difference that Khloestika can make!

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