Ballancer® Pro Compression For Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage Treatment

The Ballancer Pro acts like a lymphatic drainage massage by using a gentle, wave-like pressure to increase circulation throughout the body and lymph nodes. This can lead to a reduction in fluid retention, better skin health, improved sleep, and improved immune function. This FDA-approved system can be used for both aesthetic and therapeutic purposes, especially for pre- and post-op lymphatic drainage.

Rejuvenate with Ballancer Pro Lymphatic Drainage

Indulge in relaxation and rejuvenation with Ballancer Pro. Book your Lymphatic Drainage Treatment now to enhance circulation and promote overall well-being. Elevate your harmony, revitalize, thrive!

Why the BallancerPro?

The BallancerPro is your pre & post procedure answer to swelling. Prime your lymphatic system pre-procedure to experience less side effects from sedation and less post-operative swelling.

Then continue with treatment post-operatively to minimize swelling and discomfort, heal faster and more completely.

Role of the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels, glands, spleen, thymus gland and tonsils which carry a clear fluid called lymph. Lymph’s composition is similar to blood except that it does not contain haemoglobin nor any blood proteins. The lymphatic system consists of organs, ducts and lymph nodes which act as filters for the removal of toxins. The lymphatic system is a detox system; a nutrient delivery system and is the home of the immune system. Without this system, life could not exist.

Benefits Of Ballancer Pro

  • Detoxification: flushes out toxins
  • Reduces swelling and puffiness
  • Contours the body
  • Reduces volume in the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks and legs
  • Improves the appearance of cellulite, skin tone
  • Improves digestive issues through the relaxing abdominal massage
  • Reduces pain associated with inflammation and fibromyalgia
  • And many more!

How Does Ballancer® Pro Work?

The Ballancer® Pro System provides lymphatic drainage, assisting in ridding the body of toxins. The inflatable suit uses pressurized air for compression, moving fluid out of the body; followed by sequential massage waves, which increases blood flow. This oxygenates and revitalizes the tissue, which helps you slim down, refining anything from your stomach and upper body to your arms and legs, all while enhancing your complexion.

Enhanced Lymphatic Drainage

Surgery can disrupt the normal functioning of the lymphatic system, causing lymphatic stagnation and impairing the body’s ability to remove waste and toxins. The Ballancer Pro stimulates lymphatic flow, facilitating the removal of metabolic waste, promoting cellular regeneration, and enhancing tissue repair.

How Does Surgery Affect the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is, to put it simply, the sewage system of the body. This fascinating network of tubes that run throughout our bodies works hard to balance our fluid levels, clean bacteria, absorb some of the fats in our diets and so much more. You can learn all about it in depth in our blog about the Forgotten Lymphatic System. It certainly makes for some interesting nighttime reading. If you’re in a hurry though, there are a few key things to note regarding how surgery can affect the lymphatic system:

  • Secondary lymphedema

    Secondary lymphedema can occur when there is soft tissue damage associated with trauma (for example, a mastectomy). This is caused by a disruption of the flow of lymph which can lead to swelling.

  • Swelling occurs

    Swelling occurs with any injury to the body. Surgery is nothing but a doctor-controlled injury. This edema (swelling) in and around the surgical site is your body’s natural response to trauma.

  • Lymph flow decreased

    Anesthesia used during surgery has been shown to cause a “depressed lymph flow”. Using the sewage system analogy, suffice it to say that having a properly flowing lymphatic system is important.

  • Compromised immunity

    Surgery in general decreases our immune system’s functionality. The lymphatic system is responsible for white blood cells called lymphocytes, which account for 20-40% of your body’s white blood cells.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Long Does The Treatment Take?

    In as little as one 40-minute session, the Ballancer® Pro can relieve unwanted bloat and fluid retention.

  • When Can I See Results?

    Results can be felt and seen immediately after the first session, which will continue to develop over time. Best results are seen with a series of sessions over 3-4 weeks.

  • Where Are The Treatments Performed?

    We provide best in class treatment rooms equipped with complimentary wi-fi so you can plug into your favorite playlist or continue your Netflix binge. You choose.

  • What Do I Need To Wear?

    Patients are encouraged to wear something comfortable. We will provide robes or disposable clothing if requested. On any special oral or topical medications? Just let us know when you schedule your appointment and we will let you know how to prep.


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The virtual retreats at Khloestika provide a unique and immersive wellness experience. Guided sessions, expert workshops, and a supportive community make it a transformative and accessible journey from the comfort of home.

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Khloestika's Wellness Shop is a treasure trove of curated products supporting holistic living. From mindfulness tools to sustainable essentials, it's a one-stop destination for enhancing well-being in daily life. Highly recommended.

David R.



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If you are looking for health & wellness services in Rancho Cucamonga, CA look no further than Khloestika Healing and Wellness. Schedule your appointment today and experience the difference that Khloestika Healing and Wellness can make! Book your appointment today and experience the difference that Khloestika can make!

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