
What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy, known as cold therapy, is a treatment that uses extremely low temperatures to destroy abnormal tissues that allow your body to recover faster. Besides, it produces an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces soreness and pain. It is believed that cryotherapy can treat acne, psoriasis, lesions, eczema, and more. The extreme cold is delivered in special cryo chambers that usually use liquid nitrogen to maintain low temperatures.

Embrace the rejuvenating cold with cryoTherapy.

Book your session now to stimulate healing, boost energy, and elevate your well-being. Ignite the chill, revitalize, thrive!

Good Candidates for Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy benefits athletes by aiding muscle recovery and weight loss, boosting energy, and improving mood. It can also help those with osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, or arthritis. We'll assess if it's suitable for you during a consultation. Not recommended for pregnant individuals, those with severe high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or a pacemaker. Also not suitable for anyone with anemia, kidney disease, or urinary tract disorder.

Benefits Of CryoTherapy

  • Relieve pain, swelling and stress
  • Promote healing and athletic recovery
  • Boost mood, energy and sleep
  • Helps with Inflammation
  • And many more!

How Does Cryotherapy Work?

One form of Cryotherapy we offer at Khloestika is Whole Body Cryotherapy. This service exposes the entire body to sub-zero temperatures inside of a chamber for up to 3 minutes. As the body is exposed to these freezing temperatures, it enacts a natural fight or flight response that constricts blood vessels to restrict blood away from extremities. This redirection causes your body to move blood toward the core, protecting your organs. During this process, the body increases its levels of oxygen and certain proteins that can decrease swelling. When you exit the Cryotherapy chamber and return to normal room temperature, this oxygen-rich blood moves back through the body.

This service is one of many ways that Khloestika utilizes controlled, natural stressors to increase your body’s resilience and thereby shape human health.

Who can get cryotherapy treatment?

Your medical provider can determine if cryotherapy is right for you, particularly for treating skin conditions like precancerous or early stage skin cancers. Some patients may not be suitable for cryotherapy.

  • Pregnant women
  • Hypertensive patients or any patient with a high blood pressure
  • Patients with certain cardiovascular, venous, and pulmonary diseases
  • Patients with poor blood circulation
  • Patients that experience chronic neuropathy

What are the advantages of cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a popular choice among patients seeking treatment for certain types of skin cancers and other skin conditions. Some of the benefits you can get from choosing cold therapy include:

  • Minimally invasive option

    Cryotherapy is minimally invasive, involves less pain and bleeding, and has a lower risk of post-treatment complications compared to surgery. This also means that the downtime and recovery period after your cryotherapy sessions is much shorter compared to surgical or more invasive options.

  • Lower risk of damaging healthy tissue

    Alternatives like excisional biopsies also cut away healthy skin tissue around the skin cancer cells and skin lesions. Cryotherapy is more targeted and has a lower risk of damaging healthy skin tissue around the abnormal cells. 

  • Improve inflammation and antioxidant levels

    Both localized and whole body cryotherapy can treat skin conditions like atopic dermatitis, which can result in dry and itchy skin and trigger other symptoms like inflammation. Cryotherapy can improve blood flow, which can help with your body’s circulation and manage conditions like chronic inflammation.

  • Minimize pain and irritation

    There’s a reason why cryotherapy is also used in sports medicine and in treating joint pain conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Cryotherapy can help reduce the pain and irritation caused by nerves around the treated area.

  • More affordable treatment

    Compared to other surgical options, cryotherapy sessions aren’t as expensive. Cryotherapy sessions can range around $500 per session, while the cost of removing a small patch of cancerous skin on the face can reach around $1,600.

  • Improve skin quality through natural collagen production

    On top of replacing damaged skin tissue with newer skin cells, cryotherapy can also stimulate collagen production around the treated area. This can boost the surrounding skin tissue by nourishing existing cells or promoting healthier cell production and giving you a naturally healthy glow.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to prepare for Cryotherapy

    Before starting cryotherapy, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can advise you on whether cryotherapy is suitable for you and provide any necessary precautions.

  • How long does cryotherapy last

    Cryotherapy sessions vary in duration depending on the type of treatment. In whole-body cryotherapy (WBC), individuals typically spend 2 to 4 minutes in a chamber with temperatures ranging from -200 to -300°F (-129 to -184°C). For localized cryotherapy, the duration depends on the specific treatment area and method employed, whether it's through ice packs or specialized chambers targeting particular body parts. 

  • What should I avoid after cryotherapy

    After cryotherapy, avoid strenuous exercise, hot showers, and alcohol consumption to allow your body to recover. Dress warmly to prevent exposure to extreme cold and refrain from using skin irritants immediately after the session. Stay hydrated and pay attention to any adverse reactions, consulting healthcare professionals if needed. Follow specific post-cryotherapy guidelines provided by the facility for a safe and effective recovery.

  • How often can you do cryotherapy

    Cryotherapy session frequency varies; for whole-body cryotherapy, 2-3 times per week is common, while localized cryotherapy depends on specific treatment goals. Listen to your body and consult healthcare professionals or facility staff to determine the ideal frequency based on individual needs and health considerations.


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The virtual retreats at Khloestika provide a unique and immersive wellness experience. Guided sessions, expert workshops, and a supportive community make it a transformative and accessible journey from the comfort of home.

Sophie G.


Khloestika's Wellness Shop is a treasure trove of curated products supporting holistic living. From mindfulness tools to sustainable essentials, it's a one-stop destination for enhancing well-being in daily life. Highly recommended.

David R.



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If you are looking for health & wellness services in Rancho Cucamonga, CA look no further than Khloestika Healing and Wellness. Schedule your appointment today and experience the difference that Khloestika Healing and Wellness can make! Book your appointment today and experience the difference that Khloestika can make!

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